Ne sais si dois chanter ou pleurer
Troubadour love songs from Limousin
The end of the 11th century saw the birth in the south of France of the art of troubadours, poet-musicians who expressed themselves using langue d'oc and who experienced their golden age at the beginning of the 13th century.
The program Ne sais si dois chanter ou pleurer (I do not know wether I should sing or cry) is centered around the works of four troubadours from Limousin, the very famous Bernard de Ventadour (~1125-~1200) and Gaucelm Faidit (~1150-~1205) and the more confidential Gui d' Ussel (~1170-~1225) and Giraut de Bornelh (~1138-~1215).
In a true fusion of melodies and poetry, they sing a refined and vivid fin'amor which covers the entire sentimental range of love, from joy to despair, from despondency to wonder.
Gui d'Ussel, Ben feira chanzos plus soven & En tanta guisam men'Amors
Bernard de Ventadour, Non es meravilla seu chant & Era non vei luzir solleill
Gaucelm Faidit, A semblan del rey ties & Lo roseignolet salvage
Giraut de Bornelh, Non puesc sofrir cala dolor & Rei glorios veray lums e clartatz
Dances and estampies from the Manuscrit du Roi
Angelo Chardonnet - flutes & percussion
Gaëlle Fourré - singing, psaltery, flutes & percussion